The Graduate by Samantha Emily Evans

Samantha Emily Evans is a poet and writer living in London. She has been published in the Moorpark College Review, the Inklight Poets Anthology, and [Insert Title Here]. She has studied at the University of St Andrews and the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. She is a member of the European Beat Studies Network and works at SAGE Publishing.



The Graduate


‘The smell of home’–which home?
23424 home? Or St Andrews home?
Grandma and Grandpa’s home?
New home? Mother taught me,
To make the house smell like fall
Boil cinnamon.

Leaving tastes like a huge apple,
The first bite the acid.

Daddy, always Daddy and the pick-up area
Of LAX, the smudge of blue and all that gray,
Fumes of hello and the nervous chatter of six months.

You can read more of Samantha’s work at